3 golden questions to ask yourself before booking a photoshoot

I’ve got 3 quick (but important!) questions for you, are you ready?!

I’ve had so many questions recently in my inbox about whether a photo shoot would be a good fit for you, so I’ve put together what I call the three golden questions to help you figure it out. 💥⁠

If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, my guess is that a photo shoot with me would be a really good fit for you!⁠ If you don’t – you’re likely not going to get the most out of our time together.⁠

Ready to take the test?⁠

Question 1 ⚡️: Does life seem to be flashing by really quickly? ⁠
Question 2 ⚡️: Do you appreciate really special life moments over materialistic things?⁠
Question 3 ⚡️: Are you always taking the photographs but never actually IN the photographs? …and wished you were?⁠

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions (bonus points for all 3!), my guess is that booking a photography session would be a perfect fit for you…⁠

But if you’re still on the fence, I’ve got a decider up my sleeve. Ready?⁠

✨ ✨ How much do you want those little moments, the glances, the interactions, the mannerisms, those magical moments documented …so you can look back in years to come with a big smile on your face? ✨ ✨⁠

Did that help?! Let me know!

If you’re wanting to book a photoshoot with me, you can contact me here, it is really just that simple. ✨

Sabrina stands in her shower at a boutique landscape hotel in Guadalest, Alicante, Spain as part of a maternity photoshoot - picture by Hannah Hutchins

Sabrina stands in her shower at a boutique landscape hotel in Guadalest, Alicante, Spain as part of a maternity photoshoot – picture by Hannah Hutchins

Apr 27, 2021

Hannah Hutchins

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