Here are some real truths about entrepreneurship…

👉🏼Taking a full-time office job would’ve been WAY easier.

👉🏼 It isn’t all sunshine and lollipops! There have been oh so many years of learning, listening, failing, scraping by and trying to figure out how to get where I want to.

👉🏼 The number of people who say to me “Yes, but have you applied for a REAL job yet? Look at this office one, there are some good benefits and a possible career progression” with all good intentions but really not helping me with my own goals.

👉🏼 I know that the only way to grow as a business (a one-woman team) is to get out of my comfort zone, and that’s quite simply, super scary.

👉🏼 I definitely made it harder for myself last August by moving abroad to Spain and starting afresh, some may call that crazy… but I followed my gut and my heart and they overruled my head.

Is it paradise every single day? Definitely not! I’m still working on learning, listening, failing, scraping by and trying to figure it all out, daily! Every. Single. Day.

But, my hope in telling you all of this is to let you know that every single day I am 100% showing up.

…and that means that when I photograph you I am 100% committed to what I do. I wholeheartedly want it to be THE BEST EVER experience for you because I really believe that you deserve it.

HH x

That’s me! Hiking in La Vall de Laguar, April 2021

That’s me! Hiking in La Vall de Laguar, April 2021

May 5, 2021

Hannah Hutchins

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