Lauren Gregory & Simon Sheldrake | Norwich Natives Couples Photoshoot

Lauren and Simon both believe that Norwich breeds creativity; the community’s support of new ideas ensures small businesses can thrive. Lauren owns two brilliant boozers in the heart of the city (The Sir Garnet and Birdcage), an events business (Lullaby Inc) and has also recently started a casting agency with a London friend (Crumb Agency). Simon is a partner in a local building surveying practice. When the pair aren’t running their various businesses, they can be found having fun with their two children and touring the best attractions that Norwich has to offer; crazy golf at Eaton Park, the magical Plantation Gardens and dinner at the Grosvenor Fish Bar.

IG @crumbagency / @lullabyinc

Photographed for SHHHH

May 1, 2020

Hannah Hutchins

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